HDA’s communications and media training curriculum features a non-confrontational approach — one that is designed to teach participants that media and public speaking should not be feared. HDA media training workshops convey the importance of communicating with key audiences and provide effective techniques for developing and using key messages in any communicative setting. Finally, we bring to our workshops a vast knowledge of the energy and manufacturing industries and realistic scenarios for discussion and role-playing.
HDA can provide you with strategies to communicate effectively with the media in order to achieve your communication goals. HDA has decades of experience and strong relationships with reporters, editors and freelance writers across Louisiana and the Gulf Coast — a universe that provides significant benefits to clients. HDA’s media expertise ranges from garnering targeted media coverage in print, online and broadcast media outlets, press kit development, organized press trips or organization and oversight of press conferences and interviews. Our associates serve as a conduit between our clients and the media, connecting messages with the right media at the right time.